Your MyBHS Inbox

Did you know that MyBHS has an Inbox for you? Everyone who has a MyBHS login also has a MyBHS Inbox with which to send and receive messages with others in the BHS online community. You will receive a courtesy email notification alerting you that you've received an Inbox Message. This email contains the content of the Inbox Message, but don't be tempted to hit reply. The rule is - reply in kind! If the original communication was sent to your MyBHS Inbox, reply from your MyBHS Inbox.

If you're really stuck and must respond to the Inbox Message from within your email, forward the notification email and type in the recipient's email address. If you hit reply to the notification email, your reply will be sent to the system, not the person who sent you the original message. It's easier to go to your MyBHS Inbox and hit reply there. By looking at the Inbox Message, you'll also know if the message was sent just to you or a whole group. 
Located in Los Angeles, CA, Berkeley Hall School is a private, coeducational school for students in preschool through grade 8. Rigorous academics in a supportive atmosphere and grounded character development allow students to become fearless scholars and conscientious citizens - gain a love of learning, leadership with social responsibility, creativity with moral integrity, and self-esteem with compassion for others and the environment.