Everyone's an Artist at BHS

If you go by the art room this year, you will be greeted by posters with lines like: Everyone’s an Artist, Make Art with your Heart, Use your Giant Imagination, and Happy Accidents. Students colored these posters that express the vision for art this year with guidance from our new teacher Ms. Green.

This vision was easy to see when the third grade were in class this week working on their self-portraits. Our creative students were shown the work of American artist Maira Kalman for inspiration. They then set out to compose their own self-portraits - a process that got them thinking in new ways.  Some students said at first they felt awkward and embarrassed to look at themselves in the mirror to draw themselves. But they quickly got into it.
“I was excited by the number of details,”  Konstantin M. told us. 
Olivia M. noted, “I was very inspired by Maira Kalman and I went home and searched her up and learned about her brush strokes.”
Sofia C. added, “Even though art sometimes doesn’t look realistic, it can still look beautiful when you make art with your heart.”

We look forward to a year full of inspiration and creativity for all our artistic Bobcats. 
Located in Los Angeles, CA, Berkeley Hall School is a private, coeducational school for students in preschool through grade 8. Rigorous academics in a supportive atmosphere and grounded character development allow students to become fearless scholars and conscientious citizens - gain a love of learning, leadership with social responsibility, creativity with moral integrity, and self-esteem with compassion for others and the environment.